Prayer for Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo

O God, be gracious for your children bleed.
Heal them for their heads ache,
they lie in fever, they shake with terror.

How long, O God, and how many will die?
For we have the vaccine,
and the treatment can be effective,
as it was in Liberia, Sierra Leone,
Nigeria, Guinea,
but the history of conflict in this land
lies deep in the bones.

For the sake of your steadfast love
reach out — they are weary with diarrhea,
their beds are soaked with vomit,
and their kidneys waste away.

Their children are crying
because in a place of war without end
illness and fear kill together,
international health workers are killed,
doctors threatened, clinics burned.
and even in graveyards,
fighting breaks out
where there should be prayer.

But you, God, accept our prayers —
for gathering local people to care
and empowering global compassion
to train those most trusted.

In the hemorrhaging in Congo,
with history deeper
than any vaccine can go,

give wisdom, give compassion,
surround those who risk themselves
with your peace.

(this prayer began in Psalm 6)

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2 Responses to Prayer for Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo

  1. Pingback: resources in times of natural disaster/tragedy |

  2. mdabk says:

    May God end this deadly disease!!!
    Do review my blog!!!

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