Ark-jacking, our new mortal sin

God looked out over the climate
and called for humans to build a great ark
so that the creatures, all creatures,
would be saved
from the danger to come.

In our day we invent grandiose arks
in hope to preserve
the human ways of life
of those who are most comfortable,
with the most access to power —

fracking, pesticides, genetic modification,
mountain-top removal coal mining,
habitat degradation,
overharvesting, overhunting, overfishing,
desertification, deforestation,
introduction of invasive species,
global warming,
pollution of land, air, water, space.

It is a great carbon butt-swath
mooning scientific reality,
but also faith,

and as the storm approaches,
I hear the hammers,
but they are not working day and night
for koalas,
river dolphins, mountain gorillas,
the fragile flying of bees.

On May 6, 2019 a Global Assessment released by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) announced that nearly one million species are at risk of extinction.

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5 Responses to Ark-jacking, our new mortal sin

  1. Titia Bozuwa says:

    It is chilling to think about our extreme negligence…You nailed it with this poem/prayer/confession. Thank you.

  2. Jessica McArdle says:

    A convicting comparison between the vessels that preserve life as compared to those that undermine our fragile ecosystem. Thank you, Maren, for speaking truth to power.

  3. Pingback: Season of creation – various |

  4. Pingback: Season of creation – various |

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